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Thursday, February 6, 2025
Community Response & Systems

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Community Response and Systems

Empowered communities to build stronger health systems

Institutional capacity building, planning and leadership development

Ex-mineworkers associations and trade unions will be mobilised to, in addition to existing CSOs, expand services to key populations, especially those in hotspots identified through the geospatial mapping as well as artisanal mines. The KP organisations will be a catalyst in advocating directly to mining houses (especially large mines), chambers of mines and the public sector to ensure proper conduct needed for continued prevention, treatment and care services.

Social mobilization, building community linkages, collaboration and coordination

CSO’s shall be capacitated to provide outreach services and link artisanal and/or small scale miners to social protection programmes to mitigate catastrophic costs that may arise from diseases infection. This includes:

  • • Selected artisanal and/or small scale miners will be supported and linked to health services in the public and private sectors and NGOs.
  • • Tried and tested service delivery models for artisanal and small scale miners will be developed for use nationally and regionally.
  • • All communication materials, including the communication strategy, dust control toolkit and IEC materials, developed during the current grant will be rolled out through CSOs, regional organisations and various community groups

Community-led advocacy:

  1. The CSO’s toolkit will be strengthened and leveraged for use by other entities such as workplace peer educators / village development committees/treatment supporters, and regional CSOs such as SAT and ARASA.
  2. Identify existing regional structures to serve as Grievance Mechanism that monitor violations of human rights and where necessary, intervene (examples; SADC, NEPAD, ARASA, Regional Associations of Ex-mineworkers)

Community-based monitoring:

This will involve establishing or strengthening mechanisms that allow for information/data about migrant TB infected persons to reach CSOs and NTPs for prevention, treatment, care and support.