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Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Regional Coordinating Mechanism (RCM)

Regional Coordinating Mechanism (RCM)

TIMS is a regional project that will implement TB initiatives across 10 Southern African countries.

The Regional Coordinating Mechanism (RCM) is central to the Global Fund's commitment to local ownership and participatory decision-making. Such regional-level partnerships develop and submit grant proposals to the Global Fund based on priority needs at the national and regional level. After grant approval, they oversee progress during implementation. RCMs should include representatives from both the public and private sectors, including governments, multilateral or bilateral agencies, non-governmental organizations, academic institutions, private businesses, People living with the diseases, Faith based organizations and Key Affected Populations.


The role of the RCM is to:

Coordinate the development and submission of regional / national proposals;

Nominate Principal Recipients;

Oversee implementation of the approved grant and submit progress reports and requests for disbursement;

Monitor compliance of the PR with Global Fund policies and procedures for grants management programs;

Review and endorse requests for reprogramming and changes to the implementation arrangements, the performance framework, and to the approved budget and work plan prior to submission of such requests to Global Fund;

Investigate the causes of and recommend remedial actions when the implementation of the grant does not follow the approved budget and work -plan and/or the terms of the grant agreement.

Ensure linkages and consistency between Global Fund grants and other national/regional health and development programs; and

Play a leadership role by participating in the Strategic Planning discussions at regional and country level, and convening stakeholders to engage in inclusive regional and country dialogue and agree on funding split.

The RCM for the TIMS grant was appointed in 2014. The RCM is made up of representatives from government, the private sector and civil society, and has representatives from the grant’s 10 coverage countries.