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Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Programme Management

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Programme Management

Contributing to a Regional TB Strategy

Policy, governance and advocacy

Both the Global Fund and World Bank supported initiatives will collaborate in strengthening the policy and governance mechanisms for the regional TB response. Activities to be undertaken are as follows:

  • a. Strengthen leadership and coordination through (1) placing a focal person at SADC Secretariat to serve as liaison between GF and WB initiatives and SADC with co-funding by both programs; (2) development of a regional TB strategy and operational plan co-funded by GF and WB initiatives; (3) supporting inclusion and participation of mining sector stakeholders in the national TB TWGs (as mining, labour, chamber of mines and mining companies and key populations); and (4) convene an annual partnership forum to review program progress and identify common priorities.
  • b. Policy Advocacy: This will involve (1) RCM engaging with SADC secretariat and SADC chairs of ministers of health to ensure TB in the mines is anchored in SADC processes; (2) disseminate policy briefs and other strategic information to be produced under the HIS module to SADC health, mining, labour and finance sectors meetings; (3) convene a high level policy meeting bringing together relevant ministries, all other sectors and experts to sustain country commitment and provide strategic direction to the TB initiative.
  • c. Public private partnerships: This intervention will focus on two aspects – (1) Consultations with Chambers of Mines to disseminate evidence on TB and other occupational lung diseases and develop a plan of action for private sector participation on this initiative. (2) Supporting chambers of mines in all 10 Countries to develop a private sector plan of action and monitoring framework based on lessons learnt from countries such as South Africa Chamber of Mines. Through this approach, mining companies will be sensitized and supported to develop or strengthen gender sensitive policies and practices and support TB, TB/HIV and other services proposed under module 1.

Planning and coordination

This intervention will sustain and strengthen the grant coordination mechanism in place. This will involve supporting the activities of the Regional Coordinating Mechanism to ensure effective harmonization, oversight and accountability of the grant.

  • a. Coordination: The RCM will be supported to strengthen linkages with CCMs and other regional initiatives. This will involve holding annual meetings with CCMs and participation of RCM and NTP managers’ representatives in the SATBHSS project Regional Advisory Committee meetings to coordinate this program with country and regional initiatives.
  • b. Oversight of the Global Fund grant: This is a key role of the RCM. The funding request will support meetings of RCM and its committees, regular review of implementation, country oversight visits, membership renewal and orientation, capacity building and knowledge exchange with other initiatives regionally and globally, and ensuring the RCM meets GF eligibility requirements.

Grant management

The Global Fund regional program implementation arrangements were established under the current grant. These arrangements include a program management unit established by the Principal Recipient, Sub-recipients tasked with implementation and liaison with focal persons with national programs. This intervention has been prioritized to ensure proper planning, coordination, monitoring and evaluation, funds disbursement and accountability and reporting on implementation of the program according to Global Fund requirements. The intervention also takes into account the need to have a lean grant but efficient grant management structure.

Activities to be supported include:

  • a. Reviewing the current grant management structure to make it lean fit for purpose
  • b. Building the capacity of PRs, Sub Recipients and Sub-Sub Recipients
  • c. Providing required resources and capacities for the Program Management Office at the PR and SRs in terms of physical and human resources, planning, monitoring and evaluation, procurement and financial management and communication among others